

Who we are:

Tap Out is an interactive app that explores themes of exploitation. We have created an engaging and innovative app which aims to show young people how to recognise that the choices that they make and what may seem like small actions; can lead to bigger issues and lead to themes across exploitation.

Our focus for the app was to ensure that it was entirely co-produced with young people and persons with lived experience at every stage of the development of the app. 


When looking at the hierarchy of exploitation cycles, it has been found that a large amount of perpetrators are actually victims of exploitation themselves.


The scenarios are created as a learning tool. Our aim is to show the user how situations can unfold in their day to day life. 

Users go will make choices via the scenario and will learn to whether the choices that they are making are positive and healthy but most importantly they are given options to change their minds when provided with new information.

We hope that the users can create conversations regarding the choices that they are making and the rational behind why they have chosen to go down that path. 

There is a wealth of information on our ‘Resources’ section and during the scenario to inform positive decision making 



The scenarios in our app are fictional based on real life experiences from the young people who created the stories. In all of these storylines our perpetrators have been subjected to current or prior exploitation within their lives.


We would like to say a special thank you to the Luton Youth Offending service for the  expertise and experience they have provided in the production of the application.
The app development was funded by the BLCF Luton Youth Fund and The Luton Youth offending service.

Press on the logos below to find out more about the organisations involved.

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